Participation Requirements In Chevron Bids
Chevron-Cabinda Gulf Oil Company Limited (CABGOC) is actively working to promote local content. This page contains the active and past bids, allowing suppliers a greater visibility of the available business opportunities. To participate, you must register as a supplier:
Note: Participate only if you provide products and / or services of one of the categories of the active bids.
1. Fill out the Supplier Form in capital letters. Print, sign and scan.
2. Attach the copy of the following documents:
- Diário da República
- Certidão de Registo Comercial
- Cartão de Contribuinte Fiscal
- Alvará Comercial
- ANPG Registration Certificate
Your data will be analyzed and if you meet the above requirements, you will be contacted.
We inform that local suppliers (owned 100% by Angolan companies, or legally incorporated and registered office in Angola) are given priority, in compliance with Decree 86/18 of 2 April 2018 and Decree 271/20 of 20 October 2020. We suggest sending emails with attachments smaller than 2MB, to avoid difficulties in receiving them.
You can find complementary information and business opportunities on our website. For more information, contact us:
RFBA - 326 - FE | Provision of Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys and positioning services | 28.03.2025 |
RFBA - 343 - SS | Provision of Workers Compensation insurance to Company’s employees in accordance with the insurance regulatory framework in Angola | 28.03.2025 |
RFBA - 344 - PROD - OPS | Provision of overhaul repair services of centrifugal compressor model-Barrel Compressor Linear(BCL) fleet, supply of materials for BCL compressor assembly and PGT5 Gas Turbine fleet | 28.03.2025 |
RFBA - 346 - PROC - OPS | Procure spare core engine RB211-24GT, gas fuel only, to drive datum gas compressor through gear box assembly | 28.03.2025 |
RFBA - 347 - PROD - OPS | Provision of multi-skilled craft operator services for onshore and offshore oil and gas facilities | 28.03.2025 |
RFBA - 348 - WELLS | Provision of all required personnel and equipment for the provision of Rig Inspection Services | 28.03.2025 |
- Provision of process automation services
- Provision of various Specialized Suppliers for call out or small ongoing services to company
- Provision of equipment listed, as requested, for the Malango Berth 3 and 4, Futila Berth,and Sanha Gas Tandem
- Provision of Well Testing Services, Products and Personnel
- Provision of Wellbore Cleanout Services, products and personnel
- Provision of chemical analysis services, including oil fingerprinting for oil spill events and the development of an oil library
- Provision of maintenance services of lifeboats and associated davit system
- Provision of preventive and corrective elevator maintenance services
- Provision of Risk Assessment Screening and Studies Services (“Work”)
- Provision of personnel, equipment, materials, products and consumables for operation and maintenance of company owned Subsea Wellheads, Subsea Production System and IWOCS
- Provision of cargo movement services in Cabinda using CABGOC's heavy equipment
- Provision of Information Digital Foundation (ITF) service management
- Provision of Information Technology (IT) Project Management and IT planning services
- Provision of Very Small Aperture Terminal Telecommunication (VSAT) services and Ancillary services
- Provision of accommodation barge services (one barge) to support oil and gas operations throughout the Operations area in Block 0
- Provision of laboratory reagents and consumables
- Provision of medical ambulance services
- Provision of qualified personnel to support the onshore and offshore drilling, completion, and well intervention operations
- Provision of office removals, preparation, moving and assembly services for household and personal goods
- Provision of waste management services
- Provision of food and beverages to all of the Company's premises in Luanda
- Provision of core and advanced Incident Command System (ICS) and Incident Management System(IMS) trainings and certifications to qualify and certify Emergency Management Team members
- Provision of comprehensive emergency management services
- Provision of communication service for voice, data, internet connectivity and roaming services
- Provision of training services from basic level to safety management, risk management, technical safety systems and investigation functions
- Provision of off-the-shelf and custom-made furniture, fixtures (e.g. blinds) and appliances (top brands such as Bosch, Hisense, Midea, Beko, LG, Samsung, Tensai etc.)
- Provision of all aspects associated with the management, operation, maintenance and repair of buildings and related infrastructure
- Provision of cleaning, landscaping and pest control services
- Provision of satellite communications (Sat phones, Air time charges, activation fees and monthly subscriptions)
- Provision of potable water to all Company facilities in Luanda
- Provision of Seatrax Crane Parts to support Operations at NORTH/SOUTH NEMBA and SANHA
- Provision of advance firefighting and advance first aid training services and refresh to Company onsite response team (ORTs) members
- Provision of Seafarer training services, assistance and consulting services to elected Company employees to Marine program
- Provision of Wireline/perforating services, Tractor conveyance Services and slickline services
- Provision of Hotel for accommodation services
- Provision of on- site security guard services
- Provision of personal protective equipment to support Company’s Onshore and Offshore area of operations in Cabinda
- Provision of Medical and HSE training services
- Provision of 1) Medical Emergency evacuation Service to South Africa, Portugal, Spain and USA and 2) case Management service in South Africa, Portugal, Spain and USA
- Proposal to seek technically capable contractors to supply Drilling and Completion Fluids and management of the Company owned liquid mud plant (LMP) and warehouse in Malongo Base
- Provision of engineering services
- Provision of onshore services which support the decommissioning of offshore facilities
- Provision of onshore services which support the decontamination of NORM-impacted equipment
- Provision of onshore services which support the treatment of NORM sludges and liquids utilizing a Thermal Desorption process
- Provision of crane maintenance and operators; crane, rigging and lifting equipment inspections
- Provision of on- site security guard services
- Provision of maintenance dredging services to maintain navigability at Malongo Berths (Cabinda providence) and the approach channel
- Provision of Battery Energy Storage System
- Provision of comprehensive communications services, covering internal, external, and digital channels, as well as image and reputation management
- Provision of cathodic protection services
- Provision of pressure, volume and temperature (PVT) analysis
- Provision of OEM authorized services for GE (LM2500+) and Rolls- Royce (RB211- 24GT/24G) gas turbine engines located offshore
- Provision of regular Ocean Freight services from the Houston, TX (USA) Europe, the Middle East, Cape Town (South Africa) and Asia to transport cargo and materials to the Angolan ports of Lobito, Malongo Base, Soyo, Luanda, Porto Caio, and Pointe Noire (Republic of Congo)
- Provision of Pumps and Compressor materials to support Cabinda Gulf Oil Company (CABGOC)
- Provision of Third Party Procurement services to Cabinda Gulf Oil Company (CABGOC) on an ad-hoc and non-exclusive
- Provision of construction material to Cabinda Gulf Oil Company Limited (CABGOC)
- Provision of qualified medical personnel including but not limited to Doctors, Nurses, Laboratory technicians, Medical Specialists (Physiotherapists etc )
- Provision of medical diagnostic services in Luanda
- Provision of full package services to support CABGOC special events including the venue, decoration and catering.
- Provision of Multi- Service Vessel (MSV) with Integrated Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) Services to support Company's operations.
- Provision of aspects of supplying suitable equipment to install/drive offshore piles and grout below the mud line in Malongo, Cabinda, Angola.
- Provision of telecommunication circuits according to bandwidth capacity and reliable and high- speed internet services
- Provision of qualified professional to effectively organize CABGOC events by providing high- Tech for audio and visual, videoconference or Tele conference, technical support and participate in the construction of scenarios for the events
- Provision of Management of the cafeteria (canteen) at CABGOC's main facility in Luanda (Chicala premises)
- Provision of Non- Destructive Testing (“NDT”) and Inspection Services for company onshore and offshore facilities within the Area of Operations
- Provision of General Mechanical Construction and Fabrication services
- Provision of IT Equipment and Services
- Provision, installation, and maintenance of surface wellhead systems and trees and related Services
- Provision of services for Inline Inspection/Intelligent Pigging to support campaigns of pipeline integrity management and flow assurance program
- Provision of Painting and Coating Services
- Provision of warehouse management and procurement services
- Provision of software licenses broker
- Provision 3D modelling services
- Provision of hotel services in Luanda
- Provision of apartment sourcing
- Provision of family houses sourcing
- Provision of construction management services
- Provision of accommodation, ad-hoc catering services and events in Cabinda
- Provision of installation, maintenance, repairs and technical assistance on existing and future electronic systems
- Provision of Stock Management services to Company onshore and offshore warehouses
- Provision of full pre-employment screening services for all new national employees
- Provision of heavy equipment rental and personnel for Company Operations in the province of Cabinda at malongo camp
- Provision of lubricants such as: Industrial Oil; Gear Oil; Hydraulic Oil; Oil; Greases, etc., to Company's Area of Operations in Cabinda Province, Angola
- Provision of services for the repair and rewind of AC/DC motors, generators, alternators, transformers, other electrical apparatus
- Provision of Solids Control Services in support of Company’s operation onshore and offshore, Republic of Angola
- Provision of OCTG Inspection Services in support of Company’s operation onshore and offshore, Republic of Angola
- Provision of International Package Express Delivery, International Ground Delivery, International Palletized Freight or LTL Delivery
- Provision of 15 family houses preferably in the same complex/common located in the urbanized area of Talatona
- Provision of Daily Catering Services
- Provision of Daily Catering Services
- Provision of Subsea Test Tree, Coiled Tubing Lift Frame and surface Flowback Equipment
- Provision of Design, Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, Loadout, and General Support Necessary to Deliver a fully Operational Fixed Living Quarters Platform
- Provision of an Accommodation Jack-up
- Support and Develop Company Software
- Provision of Fire Protection Equipment designed to detect fires and fire conditions, and to initiate audible and/or visual signals
- Provision of Inspection Services on a callout basis for Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Inspection
- Provision of Hyster Forklifts to Support Load & Offload of Cargo in Cabinda
- Provision of Rental and Repair Services for the Company's Kodak Ngenuity Scanners
- Provision of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) advisory Services
- Provision of Office Stationery Supplies and Related Materials
- RFBA-196-WELLS Provision of a Semi - Submersible Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU)
- RFBA-195-INFRA Provision of furniture; fixtures and appliances to company facilities
- RFBA-194-PRODOPS Provision of chemicals and services
- RFBA-193-WELLS Provision of matrix stimulation and hot oiling services
- RFBA-192-FE Provision of facilities decommissioning services
- RFBA-191-PRODOPS Provision of mooring rope
- RFBA-190-LOG Provision of aircraft transportation services
- RFBA-189-PRODOPS Provision of CALTEX lubricants sourcing
- RFBA-188-PRODOPS Provision of commodity chemicals sourcing
- RFBA-180-INFRA Provision of construction services in Luanda
- RFBA-179-INFRA Provision of construction services in Cabinda
- RFBA-177-FE Provision of fire and gas safety systems
- RFBA-186-PRODOPS Provision of heavy and light automotive equipment and accessories
- RFBA-185-PRODOPS Provision of Flowserve and Trillium equipment
- RFBA-184-PRODOPS Provision of a barrel compressor linear (BCL) gas compressor
- RFBA-174-PRODOPS Provision of tractors and equipment parts
- RFBA-182-SS Provision of IT support services for internal and external company events
- RFBA-181-LOG Provision of freight forwarding services
- ...
- 2020 01 13 RFBA 001 SS Communication Services
- 2020 01 13 RFBA 002 SS Facilities Maintenance
- 2020 10 01 RFBA 036 LOG 2020
- 2021 07 21 RFBA 53 INFRA ENG
- 2021 07 22 RFBA 54 PROC OPS ENG
- 2021 07 23 RFBA 56 PROC OPS ENG
- 2021 08 23 RFBA 55 PROC OPS ENG
- Announcement RFBA 001 SS 2019
- Announcement RFBA 002 MCP 2019 Sanha Lean Gas Connection SLGC
- Announcement RFBA 004 SS 2019
- Announcement RFBA 005 SS 2019 Construction Rehabilitation Equip
- Announcement RFBA 006 Prod Ops 2019 Maintenance Repair Overhaul
- Announcement RFBA 007 FE 2019 Cathodic Protection
- Announcement RFBA 008 FE 2019 Flexible Riser
- Announcement RFBA 009 LOG 2019 Provision of Freight Forwarding Services
- Announcement RFBA 010 SS 2019 Miscellaneous Construction
- CVX SQ Questionnaires for General Compliance Financial
- 2020 01 13 RFBA 003 SS Aerial Inspections
- 2020 01 13 RFBA 004 SS Sensors for well jackets
- 20200114RFBA005DC Well Construction Services
- 2020 01 15 RFBA 006 LOG Core Marine Vessel Servi
- 2020 01 15 RFBA 007 LOG Mooring Vessel Services
- 2020 01 15 RFBA 008 FE STS Fabrication SERVICES
- 2020 01 16 RFBA 009 FE Flare Relief System Study
- 2020 01 16 RFBA 010 PRODOPS Process Automation
- 2020 01 20 RFBA 011 SS Building Maintenance
- 2020 01 27 014 PRODOPS Seafer Training
- 2020 01 27 RFBA 012 SS Satelite TV Internet and CTN Management
- 2020 03 09 RFBA 034 DC Tier Service
- 2020 07 08 RFBA 042 Proc Fornecimento de Cilindros de Gas e Servicos Associados
- 2020 01 27 RFBA 013 PRODOPS ESP Pilots
- 2020 01 27 RFBA 015 PRODOPS Subsea Support Services
- 2020 01 27 RFBA 016 PRODOPS Scale Squeeze System
- 2020 01 27 RFBA 018 PRODOPS Operations Support
- 2020 01 28 RFBA 017 2020 Architecture and Design
- 2020 01 29 RFBA 020 PROC Electrical Substations
- 2020 02 28 RFBA 026 SS Potable Water
- 2020 01 29 RFBA 021 PROC Project Evolve Subsea Cable
- 2020 01 30 RFBA 019 DC CORE ANALYSIS
- 2020 01 30 RFBA 022 SS Elevators Maintenance Services
- 2020 02 06 RFBA 024 PROC BBLT Process Water Piping Replacement
- 2020 02 06 RFBA 035 FE 2020 Chemical Physical and NORM Radionuclide Testing
- 2020 02 17 RFBA 025 PRODOPS PGT5 Engine Exchange
- 2020 03 03 RFBA 030 FE Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Survey
- 2020 03 03 RFBA 031 PROC Tube Bundles
- 2020 03 09 RFBA 032 INFRA ovision of Fuel Transportation Services
- 2020 03 09 RFBA 033 DC OCTG Inspection Services
- 2020 04 08 RFBA 037 PRODOPS Measurement
- 2020 05 08 RFBA 038 Log Heavy Lift and Transportation Services
- 2020 06 29 RFBA 040 Cathodic protection services
- 2020 07 02 RFBA 039 FE Pipeline Integrity Consulting Services
- Announcement RFBA 036 SS 2019 H2S HAR CSE Services
- Announcement RFBA 061 FE 2019 Pipelay and Heavy Lift Services
- Announcement RFBA 040 SS 2019 Deep Cleaning Services
- Announcement RFBA 041 SS 2019 Ombuds support services
- Announcement RBFA 062 DC 2019 Integrated Services Blk14
- 2020 07 06 RFBA 041 SS Communication services
- 2020 02 28 RFBA 028 RFBA Recruitment services
- 2020 02 29 RFBA 029 INFRA Restauracao e servicos de gestao de instalacoes
- 2020 02 18 RFBA 027 SS Photography services
- 2020 02 11 RFBA 023 PRODOPS Survey and Positioning
- AnnouncementRFBA011DC2019Rig Inspection Services
- Announcement RFBA 012 PRODOPS 2019 Crane Maintenance Operator Rigging and Lifting
- Announcement RFBA 014 DC 2019 Mudlogging Services
- Announcement RFBA 015 FE 2019 Boias de Amarraode Ancoragem Catenria CALM
- Announcement RFBA 015 FE 2019 Boias de Amarrao de Ancoragem Catenria CALM Part1
- Announcement RFBA 016 SS 2019 Robotic Process Automation RPA
- Announcement RFBA 017 PROC 2019 Flexible Pipes for Oil and Gas
- Announcement RFBA 018 MCP 2019 Sanha Lean Gas Connection SLGC Project Part1
- Announcement RFBA 055 PROC 2019 Volvo FM 440 HP 6X4 T
- Announcement RFBA 019 CA 2019 Solicitao de Interesse
- Announcement RFBA 020 DC 2019 Subsea Wellhead
- Announcement RFBA 021 SS 2019 Elevators Maintenance Services
- Announcement RFBA 022 PROC 2019 New Jet Fuel Truck
- Announcement RFBA 023 SS 2019 Janitorial Services
- AnnouncementRFBA024PROC2019Boias de Amarrao de Ancoragem Catenria CALM
- Announcement RFBA 051 PRODOPS 2019 ROV Services Support Vessels
- Announcement RFBA 047 DC 2019 Jack Up Rig
- Announcement RFBA 044 SS 2019 Net Apps Unix Equipment
- Announcement RFBA 037 SS 2019 Local International Medical Staffing
- Announcement RFBA 034 SS 2019 Provision of IT Equipement Installation
- Announcement RFBA 033 FE 2019 Smart Foam Pig Services
- Announcement RFBA 031 PRODOPS 2019 ROV Services
- AnnouncementRFBA026DC2019KuitoPlugAbandonmentPAProgram
- Announcement RFBA 025 DC 2019 Third Party Inspection